Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Unsuggester

Enter the title of a book you loved, and it will give you a list of the top 100 books you probably won't like.
It's worked out from a database of people's libraries, by comparing the expected number of people owning both (worked out from the individual book popularities) with the actual number of people owning both, and comes out with some quite surprising results!
The same site also has a 'Suggester', but that's just not quite as exciting really.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, well I put in two books I really like and the Unsuggested came out with loads of Bible/God/Cross related books. Both times! I'm not convinced... xxx

t said...

That just means that a large number of people who have Bible related books don't have whatever books you put in, and vice versa. This is quite realistic if you look at certain people's book collections.