Friday, June 10, 2005

Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Not the original text based adventure (link to come later), but quite good all the same. 42 levels of click on stuff fun, where the first aim each time is to work out what you should be doing in the first place. You get a score at the end of it, but frankly I can't see how you can get anywhere near the scores on the score board.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Puzzle Donkey

What? It's not a Flash game?...
No, in fact this is more of a challenge. There's 100 (I think) levels, and each level is a puzzle. Some are easy, some are near impossible. You have to register to use it, but it doesn't take very long. Also I'd recommend registering for the forum as well - it contains lots of hints for when you get stuck.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Flash Flash Revolution

A brilliant adaption of Dance Dance Revolution ("The dance mat game") for PC. Sadly you have to play using your fingers unless you have a giant keyboard or very small feet. It's really quite addictive, and as long as you don't mind playing with royalty free music, it's almost identical.