Thursday, February 01, 2007

5 Numbers

A weird game with instructions in Japanese (I think), but actually a very simple concept. Click on each of the terminal things (the grey boxes), and use the clue to work out the five digit number. Type in the number, click "Lift", and away you go. If you get it right then the terminal will be replaced by bits of something else (I'm sure you'll work out what quite quickly).
I managed all but three fairly quickly, and have now managed all but the grey and black pattern puzzle (feel free to give me any hints!).


Anonymous said...

Right - I found out that for the pattern puzzle you need a Japanese phone, or a QR decoder program! There's a wikipedia page on it here.

Anonymous said...

To be fair this is a pretty good set of puzzles. I'm slightly bitter cos it took me so long to work some of them out and I needed some help. I will admit that the green squiggly writing one is clever...Nao xxx