Friday, February 02, 2007


So this isn't by any scope of the imagination a quick distraction. This is a huge life-time of a distraction. It's a download game, which instantly spells out long, but it's also amazing. If you've ever player Civilization, then this game is very similar (verging on the same). It's much more customisable, and is also much more free.

I can't possibly hope to sum up the whole game here, but basically the aim is to take charge of a civilization and lead them through the ages, keeping up to the times with military, economic and scientific advances. You start in 4000BC and the game goes all the way up to the present day.

This game is also multiplayer, and I'd love to organise a multiplayer game some day in the future, if only so everyone can see how bad I am at it!


Anonymous said...

This is an automated message:
Naomi is too busy playing FreeCiv to comment on your blog. Anyone not wishing to experience similar addictive behaviours should NOT download this program. End of message.

Anonymous said...

Similarly, I'm too busy to find or post any new games. Maybe by March I might get round to it.