Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hike24 - It's happening again

It's back again. For those of you that missed the first or second hikes, here's your chance to support Team Hike 24 as they raise much needed money for a trip to work on an orphanage in Recife, Brazil this Summer. They set off on the hike on the 3rd of June at 5am, so keep yourself glued to the site for all the latest thrills and spills.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Ultimate Film Desktop

You may well remember the Virgin music quiz thing where you have to find as many band names in the picture as you can. Well this is very similar, but with film titles. I liked it a lot more, because on the whole the films aren't all that obscure (whereas I'd never heard of maybe half of the bands). Anyway, there's 100 to find, go knock yourselves out.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ask a ninja

This site is possibly the worst laid out site I've ever seen, but the videos are really funny. If you have anything you've ever wanted to know about ninjas then this site is the place to ask. I think the easiest way to get to the videos is to go to http://www.askaninja.com/tags/question-1 then change the number in the address to whatever question number you wish to view.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Time For Bed?

How much sleep does the average child need in comparison to a variety of animals? Complete with realistic sound effects and exciting facts.
